Testing & Certification
Testing and certification is the final step in making your home as safe as it can be. Not only is it mandatory under NZ law but gives you, the customer, peace of mind so you can sleep at night. Knowing your new switchboard will protect you and your family when required is worth its weight in GOLD !
There are three tests that need
to be completed when
replacing a switchboard.
These tests are carried out with specialised testing equipment by the electrician once the job is completed. On top of that all switch board upgrades in New Zealand should be inspected (but not mandatory) by a registered electrical inspector. The inspection simply gives you the customer assurance the job has been done to code.
This happens on the same day as the upgrade to ensure your power will be restored by the end of the day. The inspector provides a ‘Record of Inspection’ and the electrician provides a ‘Certificate of Compliance’. Both of these records should be kept in your files. A normal switchboard upgrade will take approx 7 hours.

The three tests
Testing is not only mandatory by regulation but for obvious reasons is critical to the overall safety of any installation. There are three tests that need to be completed when replacing a switch board:
Earth fault loop impedance test
This essentially tests the resistance of the earth path through a circuit. The value of this test depends on various factors so there is no minimum and maximum value.
Insulation resistance test
This tests the condition of the insulation insulating the cables. The minimum value for this test is 1mega Ohm or 1000,000 ohms.
Earth continuity test
As the name suggests, this tests the continuation of the earth. Is it intact and continuous? The maximum value for this test is 0.5 ohms.
Here at Auckland Switchboards we take things seriously.
We do it once and do it right the first time. Simple really!
Attention to detail with price conscious
electricians dedicated to doing the job right!