As your switchboard is the beating heart of your home, it’s critical it’s kept up to date, safe and sound giving you peace of mind that your home is electrically safe.
All switchboards are different and unique to each other, but all age at the same rate. Components wear out and that’s just a fact of life.
Leaving your switch board in a non-maintained state for years and years will lead to a compounding list of issues.
As regulations change and technology improves, upgrading your switchboard to a new modern equivalent will remove those issues and give you peace of mind while you sleep.

You may well ask ’Why do I need to upgrade my switchboard’? It works just fine.
Well it may work but, but is it safe? This is the question.
If your switchboard has re-wireable fuses, under certain fault conditions that fuse may or may not blow.
To explain there are two main components to a modern switchboard, essentially two lines of defence.

You may well ask ’Why do I need to upgrade my switchboard’? It works just fine.
Well it may work but, but is it safe? This is the question.
If your switchboard has re-wireable fuses, under certain fault conditions that fuse may or may not blow.
To explain there are two main components to a modern switchboard, essentially two lines of defence.
The first line of defence
The first line of defence is the RCD or residual current device, and this will pick up any leakage of current to earth above 30mA (milli amps). A standard re-wireable fuse on its own does not have the ability to do that, EVER.
The second line of defence
The second line of defence is the circuit breaker or MCB (miniature circuit breaker) which replaces the rewireable fuse. One of the ratings a circuit breaker has (or fuse) is called the KA rating. This is the max breaking capacity it can handle before a complete meltdown/fire occurs. A re-wirable fuse has an approximate KA rating of 1KA (1000 amps), whereas a modern domestic circuit breaker has a KA rating of 6KA (6000 amps). So circuit breakers can essentially handle up to 600% more fault current than re-wireable fuses.

Points to note
The KA rating is not the amperage rating of a circuit breaker or fuse. It is the maximum breaking capacity of a circuit breaker or fuse that it can handle before a complete meltdown or fire occurs. It should be noted during a fault situation the fault current will increase exponentially instantaneously. This is why the KA rating is so important.
So you see it’s not as simple as you would like to think. Ask yourself again, yes my switch board works, but is it safe?

What’s behind your
Another factor when considering an upgrade is what’s actually behind the front of your switchboard. There are hidden secrets that your very old switchboard will harbour and fester away and you don’t even know about it.
Don’t let insurance companies
decline your claim.
Houses built prior to the mid-1940s that have not been upgraded with new electrical wiring and switchboards have a greater risk of fire. A requirement of your insurance is to ensure your home is well maintained, and that includes electrical wiring.

Don’t let insurance companies
decline your claim.
Houses built prior to the mid-1940s that have not been upgraded with new electrical wiring and switchboards have a greater risk of fire. A requirement of your insurance is to ensure your home is well maintained, and that includes electrical wiring.
When taking out insurance, many insurance companies will ask the age of your property and if it was built prior to 1945. They may also ask additional questions regarding the electrical wiring throughout the home to establish whether or not the wiring has been replaced since, in order to handle the demands of modern living.
Insurers may require homeowners to have a qualified electrician to review the electrical wiring and switchboards in the home. More modern switchboards and wiring do not contain porcelain and ceramic fuses, or old rubber sheath wiring.

If your home contains these old switchboards or wiring types, you should consider replacing these in order to safeguard from injury or death or fire damage to your home.
At claims time, if the age or state of the wiring (including the switchboard) was incorrectly disclosed to the insurer, and the wiring was found to be the cause of the fire, there may be no insurance cover and your claim would likely be declined.
Here at Auckland Switchboards we take things seriously.
We do it once and do it right the first time. Simple really!
Attention to detail with price conscious
electricians dedicated to doing the job right!